The first Konomi Liquidity Rewards Program is going live on Uniswap!
We’re pleased to announce the launch of our Uniswap Liquidity Program! The Uniswap Liquidity Program rewards members of the community who have contributed to the project by providing liquidity to Uniswap.
By incentivizing KONO LPs with rewards, we strive to strengthen our liquidity on Uniswap, decreasing costs/slippage as well as establishing long-term value for our $KONO holders and ecosystem.
Konomi Liquidity Mining Rewards Program
In addition to the 0.3% trading fees earned via Uniswap, whitelisted LPs will also earn their share of the $30,000 worth of $KONO tokens each month ($1000 $KONO per day), proportionate to how much you contribute to the pool.
You earn your percentage share of the pool for every day you provide liquidity, but you won’t be paid until after the 30 day mark. If you miss the first payout date you will be paid for all the days you’re owed on the next month.
How to qualify
- Provide liquidity in the KONO/ETH Uniswap V2 pool for a minimum of 30 days.
- Fill in the Google Form here
That’s it!
Additional Information
- A tutorial on how to become an LP is available here.
- 1+ ETH minimum.
- Start date: 15th April 12pm UTC
- We recommend reading this article if you’ve never participated as a LP before.
- The available rewards are divided throughout the entire pool. If someone is providing liquidity and does not fill in the Google Form, their share of the rewards will not be redistributed to the rest of the pool.
- Please bear in mind that Konomi has no control over transactions, lost funds, or impermanent loss on Uniswap.
- Daily ROI is constantly changing as more people participate and new liquidity is added.
- The individual tokens you eventually withdraw from the pool can consist of a larger share of ETH than KONO or vice versa.
- We reserve the right to cancel or modify this campaign at any time.
About Konomi Network
Konomi is a full suite asset management solution for cross-chain crypto assets. Using Substrate as the development framework, the network aims to support more assets in the Polkadot ecosystem. Users could manage their crypto holding positions, trade assets and earn interest through decentralised money market products. Konomi also issues its native network token in order to kick start liquidity and decentralised governance.
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除了能够通过Uniswap获得0.3%交易手续费,白名单中的流动性提供者还可以每月瓜分价值$30000的$KONO代币奖励(每天$1000 $KONO),具体奖励根据每个用户在流动性池中质押的代币占总体的比例确定。
- 在Uniswap V2池为KONO/ETH交易对提供流动性至少30天
- 在此处填写谷歌表单
- 点此了解如何提供流动性
- 至少要提供1ETH流动性
- 開始日期: 四月十五號 十二點 (协调世界时)
- 如果之前没有提供过流动性,推荐阅读一下这篇文章
- 所有用户瓜分奖励池中的奖励,如果有人提供了流动性但是没有填写谷歌表单,他的那份奖励也不会重新投入奖励池中。
- 请注意Konomi对Uniswap上的交易、发生的资金流失和无常损失不承担责任
- 随着用户的不断加入,每天的投资回报率都是动态变化的
- 从资金池中取出的代币数量将随KONO与ETH的比率动态调整,最终取回的KONO可能比初始质押的多而ETH比初始质押的少,反之亦然
- 我们保留在任何时间终止或更改此项活动的权利
关于Konomi Network