Konomi Network Has Passed Beosin Technology’s Comprehensive Security Audit

2 min readAug 11, 2021


Our team is over the moon to announce that Konomi Network has successfully passed Beosin (Chengdu LianAn) Technology Co. Ltd.’s comprehensive security audit on the Konomi Oracle smart contracts!

Beosin is a blockchain security company that is committed to providing first-class services for ensuring smart contracts, DApps, and wallets security by using formal verification methods as its main technology. Their verification platform has audited more than 1,000 smart contracts worldwide.

Konomi Oracle’s smart contract security auditing started on August 3, 2021 and finalized its completion on August 10, 2021.

According to the report, Beosin Technology has used various methods such as Formal Verification, Static Analysis, Typical Case Testing and Manual Review to audit the essential aspects of Konomi Oracle smart contracts which are the Coding Standards, Security, and Business Logic.

After the comprehensive and rigorous security audit process, Konomi Network has been audited with PASS on all categories including Coding Conventions, General Vulnerability and Business Security. The smart contracts are able to function properly.

Konomi Network strives to secure the benefits of our community, and with the successful security audit, we look forward to providing our users with the best services and solutions for cross-chain crypto assets.

Stay tuned on our social media channels to know more about Konomi Network’s development and progress!

About Konomi Network

Konomi is a full suite asset management solution for cross-chain crypto assets. Using Substrate as the development framework, the network aims to support more assets in the Polkadot ecosystem. Users could manage their crypto holding positions, trade assets and earn interest through decentralised money market products. Konomi also issues its native network token in order to kick-start liquidity and decentralised governance.

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Written by KONOMI

decentralised money market on Polkadot

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