Konomi Network testnet is now live

2 min readMay 26, 2021


In case you missed the news, the Konomi Network testnet platform is now live. The live testnet platform is now available for the public’s use. Interested parties can now get a taste of how the main Konomi Network platform will work through the linked website above. The live testnet platform allows for people to go through the investment and liquidity portion of the platform to try their hands at borrowing, investing, and repaying different tokens on the Konomi Network platform.

In order to test out the platform, you will need to set up and create your own testnet wallet, powered by Polkadot{.js}. We have listed down the needed steps to follow below:

  1. Download the Polkadot{.js} extension (for Chrome and Firefox browsers only)

2. Add the extension to your chosen browser

3. Create your first account (IMPORTANT: don’t forget to note down the generated 12-word mnemonic seed phrase for your account)

4. Choose a descriptive name and setup a password for your account

5. Open Konomi Testnet

6. Authorize access Polkadot{.js}

7. Explore and enjoy!

In order to start exploring the testnet platform, you simply need to click the faucet on the upper right hand corner of the page to create liquidity and add balance to your respective accounts.

About Konomi

Konomi is a decentralized money market protocol built using Polkadot’s Substrate. Konomi is working to provide active money markets across the entirety of the Polkadot ecosystem, as well as expand and integrate into cross-chain networks. By introducing a fluid market for cross-chain crypto assets, Konomi hopes to provide an overall better user experience that is accessible regardless of the native network the end user prefers.

Stay in touch with us through:

Website: https://www.konomi.network/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KonomiNetwork
Telegram: https://t.me/konominetwork
Telegram Announcements: https://t.me/konominetworkchannel
Telegram (Vietnam): https://t.me/konominetwork_vn
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/KonomiNetwork/

